Friday, April 19, 2019

Anna Maria Di Tolla

John Mylonelis: Anna Maria Di Tolla categories

'''Anna Maria Di Tolla''' is an academic scholar on [[Islamic studies]] expertise on [[Berbers|Berber studies]].

== Career ==
Anna Maria Di Tolla is an Italian Associate Professor of [[African studies|African Studies]] and [[Berber languages|Berber studies]] in the city of [[Naples]] at Università L'Orientale in the department of Asia Africa and Mediterranean studies.<ref>> The main objective of her academic interest and activity concerns the ethno cultural, historic-political dynamism and the identity claims of the Berbers in [[North Africa]], starting from the early [[History of Islam|Islamic period]], from religious development of [[Ibadi|Ibāḍism]] in North Africa for Berber Ibāḍi cultural identity. Moving on from her doctoral thesis on the ancient city of [[Sijilmasa]] (South-East of [[Morocco]]) in the period of [[Sufri|Sufrism]] and Ibāḍism, she began conducting research also on orality, oral literature, oral tradition, focusing studies on Berber women, studying [[Mzabi language|Mzabi]] women in social processes, especially the changes in women’s education. These studies were conducted through numerous fieldworks in Morocco, [[Tunisia]] and [[Algeria]] for the collection of oral texts and manuscripts on customary law.<ref>> Anna Maria Di Tolla is director of the magazine ''Quaderni of the Berber and Libyan-Berber Studies''.

== Papers and lecturers related to Ibadism<ref>Custers, Martin H. (2016). Al-Ibāḍiyya: A Bibliography. 3 (Second revised and enlarged ed.). Hildesheim-London-N.Y.: Olms Publishing. p. 209.</ref> ==

* Di Tolla, Anna Maria: (2012) ''Berber translations of some Ibāḍī ''ʿAqīdas. A lecture delivered at: ''International conference: Ibāḍī theology. Rereading sources and scholarly works. ''
* Di Tolla, Anna Maria: (2014) ''Early Ibāḍī Berber sources''. A lecture delivered at: ''International Conference: today's perspectives on Ibāḍī history and the historical sources.''
* Di Tolla, Anna Maria: (2015) Ibāḍī ʿ''Aqīdas ''in Berber. In Francesca (ed.) 2015, 115-128.
* Di Tolla, Anna Maria: (2015) ''Family in North Africa''. A lecture delivered at: ''International conference: Sixth conference on Ibadism and Oman.''

== References ==
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[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:Italian academics]]
[[Category:Islamic studies]]
[[Category:Ibadi studies]]

from Wikipedia - New pages [en]

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