Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Steve Martin (British academic)

RossNJ19: added link to Wales Centre for Public Policy wiki page

[[File:Professor_Steve_Martin.jpg|thumb|Professor Steve Martin in 2016]]
'''Stephen James Martin''' (born 27 February 1961) is an award winning<ref></ref> British academic. He is Professor of Public Policy & Management and the Director of the [[Wales Centre for Public Policy]] at [[Cardiff University]]<ref></ref>.

== Education ==
Steve Martin was educated at [[Sir Joseph Williamson's Mathematical School|Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School]] in Rochester, [[Hertford College, Oxford|Hertford College]], and [[Aston University]].  He was awarded an Open Scholarship to the [[University of Oxford]] and gained a Congratulatory Double First in 1982. He was awarded a PhD by Aston University in 1987 for his research on state funded support to small enterprises in rural England.   

== Career ==
Martin's previous academic appointments include: a Research Fellow with the [[Economic and Social Research Council]] (ESRC); Lecturer in Public Sector Management at Aston University; and University Research Fellow and Reader in Public Policy Evaluation at the [[University of Warwick]].  

At Warwick, he led the Local Authority Research Consortium, through which researchers co-produced with politicians and local authority officers a series of policy relevant studies on managing organisational and external change. In 1997 he led a research team that was commissioned by the UK government to study its flagship [[Best Value]] pilot programme designed to improve the cost effectiveness and quality of local government services in England.

Martin was appointed as a Professor at [[Cardiff Business School]] in 2000 where he established the Centre for Local & Regional Government Research<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>, which he led until 2013. The Centre attracted more than £10 million in research grants and grew rapidly becoming one of the leading sites globally for research on public service improvement and completing major studies on Best Value inspection, [[Comprehensive Performance Assessment]] and Corporate Peer Challenge<ref></ref>.  

In 2013 Martin was asked by the First Minister of Wales to establish and lead the [[Public Policy Institute for Wales]], which was succeeded in 2017 by the [[Wales Centre for Public Policy]]. The Centre is one of the UK’s What Works Centres. It collaborates with leading researchers to provide ministers, officials and public service leaders with authoritative independent evidence and expertise and is researching the role which evidence plays in the policy process.  In 2018 the Centre won the 20th Anniversary Cardiff University Award for Impact on Policy<ref></ref>.

== Government adviser ==
Martin has given evidence to a range of Parliamentary select committees and inquiries and served on a range of advisory bodies. He is a past Treasurer of the UK Evaluation Society<ref></ref>, was a non-executive director of the [[Local Government Improvement and Development]] Agency from 2003–2010 and of the [[New Local Government Network]] from 2007–2016. In 2009 he was appointed as the lead member of the UK Government’s Expert Panel on Local Governance. He was a member of independent panel on Assembly Members’ remuneration in 2007–2008, and in 2005–2006 he served as the Academic Adviser to the Independent Review of Local Public Services chaired by Sir Jeremy Beecham<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>.  

== Publications ==
Martin has published more than 80 articles in academic journals including [[Public Administration Review]], [[Public Administration (journal)|Public Administration]], [[Regional Studies (magazine)|Regional Studies]], Public Management Review, [[Urban Studies (journal)|Urban Studies]], and the [[British Journal of Management]], and over 200 reports commissioned by governments and other agencies. He is the co-editor of [[Policy & Politics]] and the public sector expert on the scientific committee of the Chartered Association of Business Schools’ academic journal guide<ref></ref>.

== Personal life ==
He lives in [[Penarth]], [[South Wales]], with his wife, Hattie. He enjoys [[Open-water diving|open water diving]], [[cricket]] and [[downhill skiing]]<ref></ref>.

== References ==
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[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:1961 births]]

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from Wikipedia - New pages [en] http://bit.ly/2Powjbk

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