Friday, May 31, 2019

Herman Zahorskyj


'''Herman Zahorskyj''' (? - 1600 or 1601) was a bishop of the [[Belarusian Greek Catholic Church]]. Since 1595 he was Archbishop of [[Polotsk]] (originally Orthodox and in 1596 accepted the [[Union of Brest]], became Greek Catholic.


Zahorskyj was named on May 5, 1595 Orthodox bishop-coadjutor of Polotsk. From July 1595 (after the death of the previous bishop of Polotsk Natanail Selitsky) he assumed the function of the ordinary of the Polotsk eparch. On September 22, 1595, the Polish king named him archbishopric of Polotsk. In 1594 - 1595, Hermann Zahorskyj signed Uniate documents as "nominated" to the archbishop of Polotsk.<ref>[[Dmytro Blazheyovskyi|Blazheyovsky D.]] Hierarchy of the Kievan Church (861-1996). - Lviv: Kamenyar, 1996. - P. 281.]</ref>

In 1596 he was one of those Orthodox hierarchs who supported and signed the act of the Union of Brest, formally became a Greek Catholic bishop.


[[Category:1600 deaths]]
[[Category:Converts to Eastern Catholicism from Eastern Orthodoxy]]
[[Category:Former Belarusian Orthodox Christians]]

from Wikipedia - New pages [en]

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