Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Aleper Aachilla Margaret

Seacactus 13:

'''Aleper Aachilla Margaret''' (born 28 November 1963) is a Ugandan Politician<ref></ref> and the district Woman Representative for [[Kotido District|Kotido district]] in Uganda's 10th Parliament.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> She is a member of the ruling [[National Resistance Movement]] party.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref><ref></ref>

== Background and education ==
Aleper Aachilla Margaret attended Primary Leaving Examination at Kotido Mixed Primary School in 1976. In 1980, she completed her [[Uganda Certificate of Education|Uganda Certificate Of Education]] at Kangole Girls Senior Secondary School.<ref></ref> She was awarded a [[Certificate]] in Grade lll Teaching at Moroto Teacher Training College/[[Makerere University]] in 1985. In 1997, she completed Diploma in Teacher Education from Institute of Teacher Education, [[Kyambogo]]. She attained her Bachelors Degree in Education from [[Kyambogo University]] in 2004.<ref></ref>

== Career ==

* 2011 to date: [[Member of parliament|Member of Parliamen]]<nowiki/>t, [[Parliament of Uganda]].
* 1997-2006: Deputy Head Teacher, Lomukura Primary School.
* 2001-2006: Monitoring Assistant, Kotido District [[Local government|Local Government]].
* 1985-1996: Education Assistant, Kotido Mixed and Lomukura [[Primary school|Primary School.]]

== Other responsibilities ==
She is married and a teacher by profession.[] She also serves as a full time member under the Membership to Professional bodies at [[Uganda National Teachers Union]]. <ref></ref>

== Controversies ==
She was tagged among the [[Member of parliament|Members of Parliament]] who betrayed [[Uganda]].[] She was named one of the [[Member of parliament|Members of Parliament]] who voted "Yes" on the second reading of the [[Constitutional amendment|Constitution Amendment Bill]].<ref></ref>

== References and Links ==
[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:Kotido District]]
[[Category:Ugandan women by occupation]]
[[Category:National Resistance Movement politicians]]
[[Category:Members of the Parliament of Uganda]]
[[Category:Wiki Loves Women (Uganda)]]

from Wikipedia - New pages [en]

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