Friday, March 29, 2019

Astrometric solving

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'''Astrometric solving''' or '''Plate solving''' is a technique used in astronomy and applied on astronomical images. Solving an image it finding match between the imaged stars and a star catalogue and the solution is a math model describing the corresponding astronomical position of each image pixel. The position of reference catalogue stars has to be know to a high accuracy so an astrometric reference catalogue is used such as the [[Gaia catalogue]].

With the astrometric or plate solution, 1) the astronomical position of any object in the image can be calculated or 2) the pointing position of the telescope mount or satellite used to take the image.

The image solution contains a reference point often the image centre, image scale, image orientation and in some cases an image distortion model.

In the past plate solving was done manually by accurately measuring photographic glass plates taken with an [[astrograph]] (astrographic camera)

Currently astrometric solving is exclusively done by software programs. The program extracts the star positions from the image, groups them in three star triangles or four star quads and calculates the distances and/or angles between stars and compares them with catalogue stars to find a match.


Professional setups are usinge astrometric solving to measure accurately the position of minor planets of comets to calculate orbital parameters.

===Telescope Mount pointing===
Amateurs astronomers are using astrometric solving for pointing their telescope mount accurately by syncing them to the center of an image taken.

==Blind solving==
Some programs don’t need an initial guess and can do a so called blind solving. They will solve any image having sufficient imaged stars as reference.

==See also==
* [[List of astrometric solvers]]

== References ==

* [] [] The Astronomical Journal 139, 22 March 2010, Blind astrometric calibration of arbitrary astronomical images. Authors Dustin Lang, David W. Hogg e.o.
* [] Making the Sky Searchable: Fast Geometric Hashing for Automated Astrometry. Authors Sam Roweis, Dustin Lang & Keir Mierle, David Hogg & Michael Blanton.
* [] Blind astrometric calibration of arbitrary astronomical images, a presentation by Paulo Penteado November 2011,
* [] Computer-aided star pattern recognition with support of telescope operations on SOFIA, 2016-10-8 Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9913 991307-14. Authors Karsten Schindler e.o.
* [] Project CLEA, CLEA Summer Workshop June 20, 2010 Minor Planet Astrometry With CCD Images. Author Glenn A. Snyder.
* [] The Astro Imaging Channel, Bob Denny developed the first totally automated plate solving engine, PinPoint, 18 years ago
* [] Astronomy on the Personal Computer 4th edition 2000, , Chapter 12 Astrometry. Authors Oliver Montenbruck & Thomas Pfleger.
* Spherical-astronomy 6th edition 1977, ISBN 0521 21516 chapter XII Astronomical Photography. Author W.M. Smart.

==Other Links==

[[:Category:Astrometry| ]]
[[:Category:Astronomical imaging]]

[[Category:Astronomical imaging]]

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