Monday, April 20, 2020

David Hu

JTtheOG: /* References */

'''David L. Hu''' (born circa 1979<ref name=NYT></ref>) is an American mathematician, roboticist, and biologist who is currently an associate professor at the engineering department of [[Georgia Tech]]. His research centers on animal behavior and movement, and is noted for its eccentricity.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2) </ref>

Hu was born in Rockville, Maryland.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2) </ref> His father was a chemist who enjoyed collecting and dissecting [[road kill]], which inspired his son's curiosity regarding the science of living things. Hu is married to Dr. Jia Fan, a scientist employed by [[UPS]] with whom he has two children.<ref name=NYT>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> Hu's children have inspired some of his research projects. "From a diaper change with my son, I was inspired to study urination. From watching my daughter being born, I was inspired by her long eyelashes."<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>

Hu is known for focusing on irreverent and whimsical research subjects. In 2016 his work was criticized by Arizona Senator [[Jeff Flake]] as one of the twenty most wasteful federally funded research projects.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> Hu responded to this criticism with a TEDx talk in which he embraced the label of "the country's most wasteful scientist" and criticized the senator's understanding of the scientific method.<ref name=NYT></ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>

Hu has twice won the [[Ig Nobel Prize]] for Physics.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref> In 2015 he shared the prize with Patricia Yang for research on the duration of animal urination, in which Yang and Hu found that nearly all mammals evacuate their bladders in approximately 21 seconds plus or minus 13 seconds.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2) </ref> In 2019 Hu and colleagues won the prize for studying the means of production of the cubical feces of [[wombat]]s.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 2)</ref>


[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:American biomechanists]]
[[Category:American scientists of Chinese descent]]
[[Category:People from Rockville, Maryland]]

from Wikipedia - New pages [en]

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