Sunday, December 1, 2019

Ben Pekuah


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'''Ben Pekuah''' () is a concept in [[Halakha]] where a fetus is removed from the mother following the mother's [[Shechita|kosher slaughter]]. In this instance the live offspring is seen as part of the mother's carcass, since it was in the mother's womb at the time of slaughter, and therefore has the same kosher status as the mother regardless of what happens to it during its lifetime.<ref>> The parts of an animal that are normally forbidden according to halacha, such as the [[Gid hanasheh|hindquarters]] and the fats are permitted in the Ben Pekuah, although the blood is still forbidden.<ref>>

A ben pekuah that mates with another ben pekuah, the offspring remains a ben pekuah and there is no need to slaughter them either, although there is a rabbinic requirement to perform shechita. However a ben pekuah that mates with a regular animal, the offspring is forbidden forever.

== Modern innovations ==
There has been a recent attempt to create a herd of ben pekuah animals, in order to reduce the cost of kosher meat.<ref>> This effort met with considerable controversy and did not gain widespread acceptance.

== References ==

from Wikipedia - New pages [en]

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