Friday, February 15, 2019

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs

Biedribaliia: Added a picture

The Latvian Institute of International Affairs (Latvijas Ārpolitikas Institūts in Latvian) is the oldest and one of the most internationally renowned think tanks in Latvia<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>. Founded on May 20, 1992, the organization seeks to provide “Latvia's decision-makers, experts, and the wider public with analysis, recommendations, and information about international developments, regional security issues, and foreign policy strategy and choices”<ref name=":0"></ref>. They achieve this by publishing original research, hosting conferences, and partnering with other institutions in these tasks. Their research focuses on important topics such as Latvian foreign policy; transatlantic relations; European Union policies, including its neighborhood policy and Eastern Partnership; and multilateral and bilateral relations with Russia. The LIIA is a nonprofit and does not receive regular government funding<ref></ref>. Its funding primarily comes from its partners for individual projects. While the Latvian Institute of International Affairs is a non-governmental organization, they do advise the Latvian Parliament, as well as other decision-making bodies within and outside of Latvia<ref name=":0" />.
[[File:Saeimas Eiropas lietu komisijas rīkotā konference "Eiropas projekta 60. gadadiena" (33425455310).jpg|thumb|Andris Sprūds at the "60th Anniversary of the European Project" Conference organized by the European Affairs Committee of the Latvian Parliament]]

== Director of the Latvian Institute of International Affairs ==
Andris Sprūds has been the director of the Latvian Institute of International Affairs since 2011, but he began working there as a researcher in 2004<ref name=":1"></ref>. He obtained his doctorate in political science at Jagiellonian University<ref></ref>, located in Krakow, Poland. In addition to his contributions to the LIIA, he has been a professor at Riga Stradins University since 1999. He has also authored and edited numerous publications, and has received multiple scholarships such as the Fulbright Research Scholarship, the Chevening/OSI Scholarship, the Japan Foundation Grant, the Swedish Research Institute Grant, and the Norwegian Research Council Grant to study at universities and institutions including Oxford University, Japan’s Institute of Energy Economics, Johns Hopkins University, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Uppsala University, and Columbia University<ref name=":1" />.

from Wikipedia - New pages [en]

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