Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Mart Kiirats

Noswall59: /* Further reading */

'''Mart Kiirats''' (1884–1956), also known by his pseudonym '''Mats Mõtslane''', was an Estonian writer and politician.

Kiirats was born on 6 January 1884 in Tõstamaa in [[Pärnu County]] and became a writer. He was elected to the [[Estonian Provincial Assembly]], which governed the [[Autonomous Governorate of Estonia]] between 1917 and 1919; he served the full term and was the Secretary between 27 July and 25 October 1917. He did not sit in the newly formed [[Republic of Estonia]]'s [[Asutav Rogu]] (Constituent Assembly), but was elected to the first legislature of the Riigikogu (Parliament) in 1920 as a member of the [[Farmers' Assemblies]] party. He stepped down on 12 April 1921 and was replaced by [[Jaan Saul]]. Kiirats died on 16 November 1956 in Vändra.<ref name="toomla">Jaan Toomla, ''[https://ift.tt/2tuLp4P Valitud ja Valitsenud: Eesti parlamentaarsete ja muude esinduskogude ning valitsuste isikkoosseis aastail 1917–1999]'' ([[National Library of Estonia]], 1999), pp. 23, 35, 261.</ref>

== References ==

== Further reading ==
* [https://ift.tt/2GLNF06 "Mõtslane, Mats (pseudon., kodanlik nimi Mart Kiirats"], ''[[Eesti Biograafiline Leksikon]]'' (1926–29) pp. 332–333.
* [https://ift.tt/2NtkPlL "Kiirats, Mart"], ''Eesti Biograafiline Andmebaas ISIK'' ([[Eesti Kirjandusmuuseum]]). Retrieved 26 February 2019.

[[Category:1884 births]]
[[Category:1956 deaths]]
[[Category:Estonian politicians]]
[[Category:Estonian writers]]
[[Category:Members of the Estonian Provincial Assembly]]
[[Category:Members of the Riigikogu, 1920–23]]

from Wikipedia - New pages [en] https://ift.tt/2U3GfZc

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