Sunday, February 10, 2019

Needlelism an Needle Texture Painting

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[[File:Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci, from C2RMF retouched.jpg|thumb|The ''[[Mona Lisa]]'', by [[Leonardo da Vinci]], is one of the most recognizable paintings in the world.]]

[[File:WeGo Art Gallery Needle Texture Paintings.jpg|thumb|WeGo Art Gallery Needle Texture Paintings, by Shivani Nilesh Pawaskar, widely popular under her maiden name "Sonal" with her signature paintings at WeGo Art Gallery<ref></ref>]]

[[File:Lubang Jeriji Saléh cave painting of Bull.jpg|thumb|The oldest known figurative painting is a depiction of a bull discovered in the [[Lubang Jeriji Saléh]] cave, painted 40,000 years ago or earlier.]]

Artist uses the human face as the main element in her work. Her Needle texture hyper realistic [[painting]] are surprisingly exquisite, as is her command of light and skin tone. Most of her paintings are on canvases, and many mistake her paintings for actual photographs.

Most of artist works, which have been classified as minimalistic, are done in oil, although she has experience with pastels, charcoal, watercolor, acrylics.

Artist describes her work by saying, Since she started Needle texture painting<ref>> She has always tried to represent things as real as she can. Sometimes she succeed and some others she don’t but it’s a fact that it is very difficult for her to do otherwise. She enjoy the challenge of reproducing skin tones and it’s nuances under natural light, particularly in bright conditions. she like simplicity in her pieces<ref>>

Needlelism<ref> </ref> is a new [[India]] art texture painting. The originator of this [[art]] form is Mrs.Shivani Nilesh Pawaskar. Needlelism<ref> </ref> technique painting use a needle in which small, distinct lines of colour are applied in patterns to create an image.

</ref> is an artist who uses needlelism technique to create texture painting


from Wikipedia - New pages [en]

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