Thursday, February 14, 2019

List of Albanians in Romania

Bensola97: /* Arts and entertainment */

== Prime Ministers ==
*[[Victor Ponta]] - Romanian jurist and politician, who served as Prime Minister of Romania between his appointment by President Traian Băsescu in May 2012 and his resignation in November 2015.<ref> Mircea Marian, [ "Aflat la Tirana, Ponta a spus că familia bunicului său a venit în România din satul albanez Moscopole" ("While in Tirana, Ponta Says His Grandfather's Family Came to Romania from Albanian Village of Moscopole")], ''Evenimentul Zilei'', 18 March 2014; accessed 17 November 2014</ref>
*[[Dimitrie Ghica]] - He served as Prime Minister between 1868 and 1870, is a Romanian politician, and a prominent member of the Conservative Party.<ref name=Sturdza></ref>
*[[Ion Antonescu]] - Romanian soldier and authoritarian politician who, as the Prime Minister and Conducător during most of World War II.<ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
*[[Ion Ghica]] - Romanian revolutionary, mathematician, diplomat and politician, who was Prime Minister of Romania five times

== Princes of Wallachia ==
*[[George Ghica]] - Founder of the Ghica family, was Prince of Moldavia in 1658–1659 and Prince of Wallachia in 1659–1660.<ref name=Sturdza/>
*[[Grigore I Ghica]] - Prince of Wallachia between September 1660 and December 1664 and again between March 1672 and November 1673.<ref name=Sturdza/>
*[[Grigore II Ghica]] - Voivode (Prince) of Moldavia at four different intervals.<ref name=Sturdza/>
*[[Matei Ghica]] - Prince of Wallachia between 11 September 1752 and 22 June 1753.<ref name=Sturdza/>
*[[Scarlat Ghica]] - Prince of Moldavia (2 March 1757 – 7 August 1758), and twice Prince of Wallachia (August 1758 – 5 June 1761; 18 August 1765 – 2 December 1766).<ref name=Sturdza/>
*[[Alexandru Ghica]] - Voivode (Prince) of Wallachia from December 1766 to October 1768.<ref name=Sturdza/>
*[[Grigore III Ghica]] - Prince of Moldavia between 29 March 1764 – 3 February 1767 and September 1774 – 10 October 1777 and of Wallachia: 28 October 1768 – November 1769.<ref name=Sturdza/>
*[[Grigore IV Ghica]] - Prince of Wallachia between 1822 and 1828.<ref name=Sturdza/>
*[[Alexandru II Ghica]] - Prince of Wallachia from April 1834 to 7 October 1842.<ref name=Sturdza/>

== Princes of Moldavia ==
*[[Vasile Lupu]] - Voivode of Moldavia between 1634 and 1653.<ref></ref>
*[[Scarlat Callimachi (hospodar)|Scarlat Callimachi]] - Grand Dragoman of the Sublime Porte 1801–1806, Prince of Moldavia between August 24, 1806 – October 26, 1806, August 4, 1807 – June 13, 1810, September 17, 1812 – June 1819 and Prince of Wallachia between February 1821 – June 1821.<ref></ref>

== People of other political affiliations ==
*[[Bonifaciu Florescu]] - Romanian polygraph, the illegitimate son of writer-revolutionary Nicolae Bălcescu.<ref>Grigore Lăcusteanu (contributor: Radu Crutzescu), Amintirile colonelului Lăcusteanu. Text integral, editat după manuscris. Iași: Polirom, 2015. </ref>
*[[Dimitrie Ghica-Comănești]] - Romanian nobleman, explorer, famous hunter, adventurer and politician.<ref name=Sturdza/>
*[[Pantazi Ghica]] - Wallachian, later Romanian politician and lawyer.<ref>[[Neagu Djuvara]], ''Între Orient şi Occident. Ţările române la începutul epocii moderne'', [[Humanitas publishing house|Humanitas]], Bucharest, 1995, p.90-91. </ref>
*[[Albert Ghica]] - Albanian-Romanian writer and socialite.<ref></ref><ref name="Skendi325331"></ref>
*[[Alexandrina Cantacuzino]] - Romanian political activist, philanthropist and diplomat, one of her country's leading feminists in the 1920s and '30s.<ref> Narcis Dorin Ion, [ "Destinul unor reședințe aristocratice în primul deceniu al regimului comunist (1945–1955)"], in ''Revista Monumentul'', Vol. IX: ''Monumentele si istoria lor'', 2008, p.276</ref>
*[[Dimitrie Ghica]] - Romanian politician.<ref name=Sturdza/>
*[[Vladimir Ghika]] - Romanian diplomat
*[[Ioan Grigore Ghica]] - Romanian politician who served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Principality of Romania

== Mathematicians ==

*[[Alexandru Ghika]] - Romanian mathematician, founder of the Romanian school of functional analysis.<ref name="tree">[ Family tree], at</ref>

== Military==

*[[Matila Ghyka]] - Romanian Naval officer,novelist, mathematician, historian, philosopher, diplomat and Plenipotentiary Minister in the United Kingdom during the late 1930s and until 1940.<ref>[ Arbre généalogique de la famille Ghyka]</ref><ref>[ GEN-ROYAL-L Archives],; accessed 20 March 2016.</ref>

== Arts and entertainment ==

*[[Kristaq Antoniu]] - Romanian operetta tenor, baritone, and actor.<ref name="Vatra">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref>
*[[Victor Eftimiu]] - Romanian poet and playwright.<ref></ref><ref></ref>
*[[Adrian Sînă]] - Romanian singer-songwriter, record producer, radio DJ and entertainer
*[[Aleksandër Stavre Drenova]] - Well-known Albanian poet.<ref></ref>
*[[Antonia Iacobescu]] - Romanian female singer
*[[Alina Pușcău]] - Romanian model

== Media, writers, and journalists ==

*[[N. D. Cocea]] - Romanian journalist, novelist, critic and left-wing political activist.<ref name="stamoral1">[[Stelian Tănase]], [ "N.D. Cocea, un boier amoral/N.D. Cocea, an Immoral Boyar" (I)], in ''[[Sfera Politicii]]'', Nr. 136</ref>
*[[Dora d'Istria]] - Wallachian-born Romantic writer and feminist.Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)
*[[George Magheru]] - Romanian poet and playwright.<ref name="sasu">Aurel Sasu (ed.), ''Dicționarul biografic al literaturii române'', vol. II, p. 12-13. Pitești: Editura Paralela 45, 2004. </ref>


from Wikipedia - New pages [en]

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