Saturday, February 23, 2019

Giovanni Semeria

BrownHairedGirl: -Category:People from Coldirodi; ±Category:People from San Remo→Category:People from Sanremo . Better to use a category which actually exists (see WP:REDNOT).

'''Giovanni Semeria''' (26 September 1867 - 15 March 1931) was an [[Italy |Italian]] orator-preacher and author. He was one of the most high-profile representatives of [[Catholic Church in Italy |Italian catholicism]] during the early decades of the twentieth century. In 1912 he founded the [[Giovine Orchestra Genovese]].<ref name=GSperBH></ref><ref name=GSsecomndoAG>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name= GSsecondoTreccani></ref>

Giovanni Semeria was born during the aftermath of the [[Third Italian War of Independence |1866 Italian War of Independence]]. In accordance with his late father's wishes, he was born in Colle which at that time was an autonomous municipality, but which has subsequently been renamed as [[Coldirodi]] and in 1925 subsumed into [[San Remo]], a sprawling coastal municipality along the coast between [[Genoa]] and [[Nice]].<ref name=GSsecomndoAG/> His father, also called Giovanni, died when an outbreak of [[Cholera]] gripped the regiment in which he was serving during the course of the [[Third Italian War of Independence |war]]. His widowed mother settled near [[Turin]] and took as her second husband Pietro Grosso.<ref name=GSsecondoAG>Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref> The fact that he was an orphan conditioned Semera's entire life.<ref name=GSsecondoMC></ref>

When he was 15 he entered the [[Barnabites |Barnabite order]] at [[:it:Chiesa di Santa Maria al Carrobiolo |Santa Maria al Carrobiolo]] ([[Monza]]) [[Novitiate |as a novice]]. He received his monk's habit on 8 October 1882 and was permitted to vote as a member of the order for the first time on 22 October 1883. He was ordained into the priesthood on 5 April 1890, still not yet 23.<ref name=GSsecomndoAG/><ref name=GSsecondoMC/>


Entra, a 15 anni, nel noviziato dei barnabiti del Carrobiolo a Monza; riceve l'abito religioso l'8 ottobre 1882 ed emette i primi voti il 22 ottobre 1883. Viene poi ordinato sacerdote il 5 aprile 1890, a meno di ventitré anni. Da allora assume, tra i suoi impegni prioritari, la questione dei rapporti tra Stato e Chiesa, il dissidio tra Scienza e Fede, il rinnovamento del Pensiero Cristiano e la causa dei poveri nelle aree depresse del meridione devastate a seguito della Prima guerra mondiale.

Esponente del giovane pensiero cristiano, trionfa dai pulpiti delle basiliche romane - non ultima quella di San Lorenzo in Damaso alla Cancelleria (1897) - e la folla si accalca, invade l'abside e i gradini dell'altare maggiore[1] nella speranza di ascoltare colui che sta divenendo uno dei più richiesti e popolari oratori sacri della capitale. Sua usanza è quella di aprire, nei suoi discorsi, alla speranza e ad un rinnovamento che trova non pochi ostacoli nella Chiesa del tempo, ma che farà poi da riferimento per molti giovani e intellettuali di fine Ottocento.


[[Category:1867 births]]
[[Category:1931 deaths]]
[[Category:People from Sanremo]]
[[Category:Italian rhetoricians]]
[[Category:20th-century Italian writers]]
[[Category:Members of the Barnabite Order]]
[[Category:Italian chaplains]]
[[Category:Italian Servants of God]]
[[Category:Italian people of World War I]]

from Wikipedia - New pages [en]

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