Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Deepakba Desai

Nizil Shah:

'''Deepakba Desai''' (1881-1955) was a [[Gujarati language|Gujarati]] poet from India.<ref></ref>


She collected [[Bhajan]]s, devotional praises, marriage songs and biographies in ''Stavanmanjari'' (1923). She published poems on ideals from history and [[Purana]]s in ''Khandkavyo'' (1926) which shows combination of traditional and experimental new poetry. Her other works include ''Rasbatrisi''.<ref name=":20GW">Liquid error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 2)</ref><ref name="NatarajanNelson1996"></ref><ref></ref>

== See also ==

* [[List of Gujarati-language writers]]

[[Category:1881 births]]
[[Category:1955 deaths]]
[[Category:Women writers from Gujarat]]
[[Category:19th-century Indian women writers]]
[[Category:19th-century Indian writers]]
[[Category:20th-century Indian women writers]]
[[Category:20th-century Indian writers]]
[[Category:Indian poets]]

from Wikipedia - New pages [en] http://bit.ly/2Ni7hcY

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