Thursday, February 14, 2019

Beatriz Bermúdez de Velasco

Boleyn: +references section

'''Beatriz Bermúdez de Velasco''', also known as '''La Bermuda''' was one of the Spanish women who accompanied the Spanish conquerors, like [[Beatriz González]]. She became famous during the expedition of [[Hernán Cortés]] to [[Mexico]]. According to the Spanish chronicler [[Cervantes de Salazar]]. It is unclear if she [[Spanish conquest of Mexico| fought personally]] at any point. She became famous during the Spanish siege to Tenochtitlan, in which she harangued the Spanish and allied troops that were on retreat to persuaded them to go back to combat. After the troops that had run away regrouped and returned the Spanish and their allies finally defeat the Mexica coalition. She was recognized by her companions and the crown as an instrumental piece in avoiding a second Spanish defeat against the Mexica Empire.<ref>Bibl.: A. M. Ortega Martínez, Mujeres Españolas en la Conquista de México, México, Vargas Rea, 1945; F</ref>

«...y La Bermuda, viendo así españoles como indios amigos todos revueltos, que venían huyendo, saliendo a ellos en medio de la calzada con una rodela de indios e una espada española e con una celada en la cabeza, les dixo: "¡Vergüenza, vergüenza, españoles, empacho, empacho. ¿Qué es esto que vengáis huyendo de una gente tan vil, a quien tantas veces habéis vencido? Volved, volved a ayudar y socorrer a vuestros compañeros que quedan peleando, haciendo lo que deben; y si no, por Dios os prometo de no dexar pasar a hombre de vosotros que no le mate; que los que de tan ruin gente vienen huyendo, merecen que mueran a manos de una flaca mujer como yo"»

In English:

«...and as La Bermuda saw that them both, Spanish and Indian-allies, all in a mess, were retreating, she jumped to the middle of the road and cut their way holding an Indian shield and a Spanish sword, and with a helmet in her head. She told them: " Shame! Shame! Spanish? Embarrassment! Embarrassment! How can you run away from such evil people, who you have defeated so many times before? Go back to help and support your companions, those who are still fighting, as they should. If you don´t, and if you try to continue ahead, in the name of God I swear that there won´t be a single one of you that isn´t killed by my hand; for those who run away from such evil people deserve to die at the hands of a skinny woman as I am"<ref>Cervantes de Salazar, Crónica de la Nueva España, Madrid, Atlas, 1971, 2 vols.; J. F. Maura, “La épica olvidada de la conquista de México: María de Estrada, Beatriz Bermúdez de Velasco y otras mujeres de armas tomar”, en Hispanófila, 118 (1996), págs. 65-74. (The translation is mine)</ref>


[[Category:Spanish explorers]]
[[Category:History of the Aztecs]]
[[Category:Colonial Mexico]]
[[Category:16th-century Spanish people]]
[[Category:Year of birth uncertain]]
[[category:Spanish conquistadors]]
[[Category:Women in history‎]]
[[Category:Women in war in Mexico]]

from Wikipedia - New pages [en]

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