Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Aleksandar Marton (politician)


'''Aleksandar Marton''' (; born 24 February 1976) is a politician in [[Serbia]]. He has served in the [[National Assembly of Serbia]], the [[Assembly of Vojvodina]], and the [[Zrenjanin]] city assembly as a member of the [[League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina]] (LSV).

==Early life and career==
Marton was born and raised in Zrenjanin, [[Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina]], in what was then the [[Socialist Republic of Serbia]] in the [[Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia]]. He studied international relations at the [[University of Belgrade Faculty of Political Sciences]] before returning to his hometown.<ref>[ Odbornici Skupštine grada - saziv 2016], City of Zrenjanin, accessed 12 February 2019.</ref>
==Political career==
===Early activism===
Marton was a member of the opposition group [[Otpor!]] and took part in protests against [[Slobodan Milošević]]'s government. In May 2000, it was reported that he and three other Otpor! members had been arrested and detained for several hours for handing out leaflets in Zrenjanin.<ref>"Vojvodina police arrest Zrenjanin activists handing out leaflets," ''British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European – Political'', 18 May 2000 (Source: Beta news agency, Belgrade, in Serbo-Croat 1212 gmt 18 May 00).</ref> He was first elected to the Zrenjanin assembly in the [[2000 Serbian municipal elections]], held after the fall of Milošević, and has been re-elected in every municipal election since then.<ref>[ Aleksandar Marton], Zelena poslanička grupa [an informal grouping, not a political party], accessed 12 February 2019.</ref>

Marton appeared on the LSV's [[Together for Tolerance]] [[electoral list]] in the [[2003 Serbian parliamentary election]]. The list did not cross the [[electoral threshold]] to win representation in the assembly.<ref>Jakovljev received the 124th position out of 250. The list was mostly alphabetical. See [ Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 28. децембра 2003. године (ЗАЈЕДНО ЗА ТОЛЕРАНЦИЈУ - ЧАНАК, КАСА, ЉАЈИЋ)], Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 9 August 2018.</ref> He served as vice-president (i.e., deputy [[Speaker (politics)|speaker]] of the Zrenjanin city assembly from 2004 to 2006.<ref>[ Odbornici Skupštine grada - saziv 2016], City of Zrenjanin, accessed 12 February 2019.</ref>

===Member of the National Assembly===
The LSV contested the [[2007 Serbian parliamentary election|2007 parliamentary election]] in an alliance with the [[Liberal Democratic Party (Serbia)|Liberal Democratic Party]]. Marton received the 119th position on their list and was selected for a mandate after the list won fifteen seats.<ref>[ Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 21. јануара и 8. фебрауара 2007. године, ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (Либерално демократска партија - Грађански савез Србије - Социјалдемократска унија - Лига социјалдемократа Војводине - Чедомир Јовановић)], Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 17 July 2017.</ref><ref>[ 14 February 2007 legislature], National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, accessed 12 February 2019.</ref> (From 2000 to 2011, Serbian parliamentary mandates were awarded to sponsoring parties or coalitions rather than to individual candidates, and it was common practice for the mandates to be awarded out of numerical order. Marton's position on the list had no bearing on whether or not he received a mandate.)<ref>Serbia's Law on the Election of Representatives (2000) stipulated that parliamentary mandates would be awarded to electoral lists (Article 80) that crossed the [[electoral threshold]] (Article 81), that mandates would be given to candidates appearing on the relevant lists (Article 83), and that the submitters of the lists were responsible for selecting their parliamentary delegations within ten days of the final results being published (Article 84). See Law on the Election of Representatives, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 35/2000, made available via [ LegislationOnline], accessed 28 February 2017.</ref>

Following the election, an unstable [[coalition government]] was formed under the leadership of the [[Democratic Party (Serbia)|Democratic Party]] (DS), the [[Democratic Party of Serbia]] (DSS), and [[G17 Plus]] (G17+). The LSV served in [[Opposition (politics)|opposition]]. In October 2007, Marton criticized the government's new legislation for Vojvodina, saying that it did not go far enough in granting autonomy to the province. He was particularly critical of a clause that would have required provincial bodies to submit any decisions to the corresponding ministry within twenty-four hours; he was quoted as saying, "Any deadlines in this regard are unacceptable to us, because they are an indication that the central authorities are treating Vojvodina like poor students who have to have their homework checked by their parents. That is a bad message for Vojvodina."<ref>"Serbia: Vojvodina officials oppose proposed changes in administration law," ''British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European'', 19 October 2007 (Source: Dnevnik, Novi Sad, in Serbian 15 Oct 07 p3).</ref> He later opposed a proposal to divide Vojvodina into five regions, describing it as a "plan for the division and fragmentation of Vojvodina and a denial of its autonomy."<ref>"Vojvodina officials reject proposal for new regionalization of Serbia," ''British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European'', 14 November 2017 (Source: Dnevnik, Novi Sad, in Serbian 13 Nov 07).</ref>

===Municipal politician===
The DS–DSS coalition fell apart in early 2008, and [[2008 Serbian parliamentary election|a new election]] was called for later in the year. The LSV contested this election in an alliance with the DS on an electoral list called [[For a European Serbia]]; Marton received the 117th position on the list.<ref>[ Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 11. маја 2008. године, ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (ЗА ЕВРОПСКУ СРБИЈУ - БОРИС ТАДИЋ)], Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 5 April 2017.</ref> During the campaign, he sarcastically accused the LDP of stealing his party's policies on provincial autonomy.<ref>"Serbian party says rival 'borrowed' its Vojvodina republic programme," ''British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European'', 30 April 2008 (Source: Glas javnosti, Belgrade, in Serbian 25 Apr 08).</ref> The list won 102 mandates, but Marton was not selected for a new term in the assembly.<ref>[ 11 June 2008 legislature], National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, accessed 12 February 2019.</ref> He was also included on the LSV's [[Together for Vojvodina]] list in the concurrent [[2008 Vojvodina provincial election]] but here too was not selected for a mandate.<ref>Marton received the thirty-third position on the list, which won five proportional mandates. See [ Изборне листе за изборе за посланике у Скупштину Аутономне Покрајине Војводине 11. мај 2008. године], Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, accessed 9 August 2018; and [ "О УКУПНИМ РЕЗУЛТАТИМА ИЗБОРА ЗА ПОСЛАНИКЕ У СКУПШТИНУ АУТОНОМНЕ ПОКРАЈИНЕ ВОЈВОДИНЕ РАСПИСАНИХ ЗА 11. МАЈ 2008. ГОДИНЕ] (2008), Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, accessed 9 August 2018.</ref> He was, however, elected as an LSV delegate to the Zrenjanin city assembly and was subsequently chosen as the assembly's president (i.e., speaker), a position he held for the next four years.

In 2009, Marton met with [[Croats]] who had been held in Serb-run [[detention camp]]s in Vojvodina during the [[Yugoslav Wars]] of the 1990s and announced his support for their campaign to erect memorials to those who had been killed in the [[Begejci camp]] and [[Stajićevo camp]] (at least twenty Croats are known to have died at these camps in 1991–92). This was met with strong opposition from the Serbian War Veterans Party and others, and Marton has said that he was subject to [[death threats]] at this time.<ref>"Vojvodina politician receives threats for meeting Croat prison camp inmates," ''HINA'', 5 august 2009.</ref><ref>"Proposal to put up memorial for Croat prison camp inmates causes uproar in Vojvodina," ''HINA'', 6 August 2009.</ref><ref>"Serbian veterans against initiative to place memorial plaques at former POW camp sites," ''HINA'', 21 September 2009.</ref> He subsequently condemned militants from the far-right group ''NASI'' (Ours) for burning the [[flag of Vojvodina]] at a demonstration in Zrenjanin in March 2012. He was quoted as saying, "The Vojvodina Assembly has legitimately passed the decision on Vojvodina's right to use the provincial coat of arms and flag. So this act of vandalism is anti-constitutional and criminal, and all those who are responsible must be appropriately sanctioned and punished. As the president of the Zrenjanin City Assembly, but also as a man, I believe that anyone who is capable of burning the flag of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina is capable of continuing to destroy the constitutional order with acts of hatred and violence."<ref>"Serbian nationalists burn Vojvodina flag," ''British Broadcasting Corporation Monitoring European'', 29 March 2012 (Source: Dnevnik, Novi Sad, in Serbian 27 Mar 12).</ref>

===Member of the Assembly of Vojvodina and after===
Serbia reformed its electoral system in 2011, such that mandates were awarded in numerical order to candidates on successful lists. Marton received the 185th position on the Democratic Party–led [[Choice for a Better Life]] list in the [[2012 Serbian parliamentary election|2012 election]]; the list won sixty-seven mandates, and he was not returned.<ref>[ Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине, 6. мај 2012. године, ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (ИЗБОР ЗА БОЉИ ЖИВОТ- БОРИС ТАДИЋ)], Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 26 January 2017.</ref> He was, however elected to the Assembly of the Vojvodina in the concurrent [[2012 Vojvodina provincial election|2012 provincial election]], winning in Zrenjanin's second constituency seat. The LSV participated in Vojvodina's [[coalition government]] after the election, and Marton served as a supporter of the ministry.

Vojvodina subsequently abolished its constituency seats and introduced a system of pure [[proportional representation]] for the [[2016 Vojvodina provincial election|2016 provincial election]]. Marton received the fourteenth position on the LSV's list and missed re-election when the list won nine mandates.<ref>[ И З Б О Р Н А Л И С Т А; ЗА ИЗБОРЕ ПОСЛАНИКА У СКУПШТИНУ АУТОНОМНЕ ПОКРАЈИНЕ ВОЈВОДИНЕ (Коалиција Ненад Чанак – Лига социјалдемократа Војводине – Дигни главу!)], Provincial Election Commission of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, accessed 31 January 2019.</ref><ref>[ И З В Е Ш Т А Ј; О УКУПНИМ РЕЗУЛТАТИМА ИЗБОРА ЗА ПОСЛАНИКЕ У СКУПШТИНУ АУТОНОМНЕ ПОКРАЈИНЕ ВОЈВОДИНЕ ОДРЖАНИХ 24. АПРИЛА 2016. ГОДИНЕ], Provincial Election Commission of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, accessed 31 January 2019.</ref> He is currently the next candidate in sequenced with the right to accept a mandate if another LSV representative leaves the assembly prior to the next election. He also appeared on a combined list of the LSV, the LDP, and the [[Social Democratic Party (Serbia)|Social Democratic Party]] (SDS) in the [[2016 Serbian parliamentary election]] in the 223rd position, much too low for election to be a realistic prospect.<ref>[ Избори за народне посланике 2016. године » Изборне листе (БОРИС ТАДИЋ, ЧЕДОМИР ЈОВАНОВИЋ - САВЕЗ ЗА БОЉУ СРБИЈУ – Либерално демократска партија, Лига социјалдемократа Војводине, Социјалдемократска странка)], Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 26 January 2017. The list won thirteen mandates.</ref>

He continues to serve in the city assembly as of 2019.<ref>[ Odbornici Skupštine grada - saziv 2016], City of Zrenjanin, accessed 12 February 2019.</ref>

==Electoral record==
===Provincial ([[Vojvodina]])===
{| style="width:1100px;" class="wikitable"
|+ '''2012 Vojvodina assembly election<br>Zrenjanin II (constituency seat) - First and Second Rounds'''<ref>[ Резултати избора за посланике у Скупштину Аутономне Покрајине Војводине по већинском изборном систему (36 Нови Сад VII)] (2012), Provincial Election Commission, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, accessed 14 April 2018.</ref>
| align="left" | '''Aleksandar Marton'''
| align="left" | [[League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina]]
| align="right" | 3,638
| align="right" | 22.81
! align="left" |
| align="right" | 8,899
| align="right" | 62.64
| align="left" | Zlatana Ankić
| align="left" | [[Let's Get Serbia Moving|Let's Get Vojvodina Moving]]
| align="right" | 3,468
| align="right" | 21.75
! align="left" |
| align="right" | 5,307
| align="right" | 37.36
| align="left" | Predrag Jeremić
| align="left" | [[Choice for a Better Life|Choice for a Better Vojvodina]]
| align="right" | 2,215
| align="right" | 13.89
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
| align="left" | Mihalj Balić
| align="left" | [[Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians]]
| align="right" | 1,669
| align="right" | 10.46
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
| align="left" | Lidia Čonka Bosiljković
| align="left" | [[Socialist Party of Serbia]]–[[Party of United Pensioners of Serbia]]–[[United Serbia]]–[[Social Democratic Party of Serbia]]
| align="right" | 1,031
| align="right" | 6.46
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
| align="left" | Sonja Vujić
| align="left" | Coalition for the Municipality of Zrenjanin–[[United Regions of Serbia]]–Dušan Juvanin
| align="right" | 998
| align="right" | 6.26
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
| align="left" | Milan Kočalović
| align="left" | [[Democratic Party of Serbia]]
| align="right" | 930
| align="right" | 5.83
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
| align="left" | Rastko Stefanović
| align="left" | [[U-Turn (Serbian coalition)|Preokret]]
| align="right" | 710
| align="right" | 4.45
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
| align="left" | Vladimir Zlatanović
| align="left" | ''Citizen's Group'': Movement for Equality–I Love Zrenjanin
| align="right" | 701
| align="right" | 4.40
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
| align="left" | [[Milorad Krstin]]
| align="left" | [[Serbian Radical Party]]
| align="right" | 588
| align="right" | 3.69
! align="left" |
| align="right" |
| align="right" |
! align="left" | Total valid votes
! align="left" |
! align="right" | 15,948
! align="right" | 100
! align="left" |
! align="right" | 14,206
! align="right" | 100


[[Category:1976 births]]
[[Category:Living people]]
[[Category:People from Zrenjanin]]
[[Category:Members of the National Assembly of Serbia]]
[[Category:Members of the Assembly of Vojvodina]]
[[Category:League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina politicians]]

from Wikipedia - New pages [en]

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