Sunday, September 6, 2020

Byte orbit privacy cannon

Techmaster12: Techmaster12 moved page Byte orbit privacy cannon to Byte Orbit Privacy Cannon: Changing article name grammer error.

Byte Orbit Privacy Cannon is an [[encryption]] application written in [[C Sharp (programming language)|C#]]. It was released for [[Microsoft Windows]] in September 2020 and is available in the [[Microsoft Store]].
[[File:Byte_Orbit_Privacy_Cannon.png|thumb|Byte Orbit Privacy Cannon running on Windows 10]]

== Use ==
Byte Orbit Privacy Cannon allows users to encrypt messages either on a local computer, or send the encrypted messages via [[Instant messaging|instant message]] to other computers in the WiFi who are currently listening for the message. It can also send messages over [[Internet Relay Chat|IRC]]. Rather than using a traditional [[password]], the user must enter the exact date and time the message was created to unlock the message. It uses Base64, but also adds encryption to the message by using a key so that only the app my decode the Base64 string, Base64 decoders cannot open the message without the key.

== Cryptography ==
BOPC uses a traditional encryption mechanism for scrambling the contents of the message, however, it uses the date and time the message was created to unlock the message, this in turn eliminates the threat of a password being hacked as the attacker would instead need to know the creation time rather then performing brute force, injection attacks, etc.


Byte Orbit Privacy Cannon on Microsoft Store

from Wikipedia - New pages [en]

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